But first, let me take a selfie.

Love them or loathe them there’s no denying that the ‘Selfy Stick‘ is a gadget that’s here to stay.

I admit, to begin with, I loathed them. Until I bought my brother’s fiancee one for Christmas…life changing! Well not quite life changing for me, but for her it was 🙂 I’ve never seen someone so happy to bung their phone on the end of a stick a take a photo.

A week later we all went to my cousin’s wedding and the selfy stick came too. We had such a laugh taking photo’s with it all night, and to be fair, it’s amazing the different kind of photo you can take, just from putting it on an extendable monopod.

But I’ve never been one of those people to take loads of photos or loads of ‘selfies’, so I never found the need for one. I decided that when I go back to Uni this year, I want to start taking more photos – to remember the good times (I hate myself for writing that phrase) and so I can look back on it in years to come.

After a lot of bullying from my Mum, I was eventually persuaded to buy a Selfy Stick.


It turned up yesterday and I have to admit, I was quite excited! Within the pack you get the stick itself and the bluetooth controller.


I ripped open the packaging and downloaded the app they recommend (although as I found out, you can use the camera on your phone so long as you switch your bluetooth on and connect it to the controller – no need for fussing around with apps.)

Then I got snapping! For someone who doesn’t take selfies I found myself doing the most ridiculous duck faces (well you have to don’t you!) and then laughing at myself.

It doesn’t come cheap though. This kit cost £14.95 plus £4.99 P&P, which is expensive but I’m confident it will last me a long time. You can get different colours  – but they’re more expensive.

One of the brains behind the Selfy Stick is Scott Thomas – the brother of Adam Thomas (Adam Barton in Emmerdale) and Ryan Thomas (Jason Grimshaw in Coronation Street), pretty cool!

I’m heading back to Uni on Sunday so I know this will definitely be making an appearance and helping me to create memories 🙂

What do you think of selfies and Selfy Sticks? Do you love them or loathe them? Let me know.




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