Real Techniques Bold Metals Collection

I think it’s safe to say I’m fiercely loyal to Real Techniques. Not because I was taught by Sam and Nic, but more for the fact that they are incredible make up brushes. Their normal line is so affordable, but if you’re looking for something a bit more luxurious then look no further than the […]

Pretty Little Liars

OK, so I’ve completely neglected this blog for the last few months! Last time I blogged I’d just gone back to Uni after Christmas and things were hectic with deadlines. Well now I’ve pretty much finished Uni, but also managed to find myself a part time job as well, after losing my job back in […]

But first, let me take a selfie.

Love them or loathe them there’s no denying that the ‘Selfy Stick‘ is a gadget that’s here to stay. I admit, to begin with, I loathed them. Until I bought my brother’s fiancee one for Christmas…life changing! Well not quite life changing for me, but for her it was ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ve never seen someone so […]

December Favourites

Just like my ‘what’s in my make up bag?’ย post, I love these type of posts. Seeing what everyone loved from month to month and getting ideas for what I could get myself. I’ve admitted it before…I’m just nosey! So let’s get started. First up is Lush Snow Fairy Shower Gel. For me Christmas wouldn’t be […]

Pixiwoo Course!

  I’ve been so excited to do this post! I did one after I’d been on the course last year on my old blog, but I wasn’t happy with that blog so I started this new one. When I was younger I used to be involved with a local dance and drama group, we were […]